Broadway Barks #1

So this morning I kissed Bosco goodbye and told him I was off to spend the day with people who love him very much.

And off I went, and somehow arrived in about an hour and twenty minutes. There was no tunnel traffic, but wow… It’s just a little possible that I drive too fast.

So I got here and stood in line to get my 2014 calendar. Saw Charlene who writes the Broadway Barks website articles and had a nice chat.

After I got to the front of the line, and was warmly greeted by Bernadette Peters and Patty Saccente, Ms. Peters said “You got pictures? Let’s see ‘em.”

So we scrolled through, coo-ed and took a photo, which Patty declined to be in. I will stealth photo her later.

The BARC team arrives in an hour.


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